Jo is following government guidelines therefore there will be no classes at The Rose & Crown until safe to do so.
Please do feel free to read the information below to give you an idea of what Jo would usually be doing. She hopes to return to teaching at this venue on 1st September 2020.
She has been liaising with the landlords regarding health and safety measures such as one way systems, hand gels and the use of masks on entry and when leaving the venue. Once on your mat at a 2 meter distance from Jo & other clients she anticipates that you will be able to take your mask off however nothing is confirmed as yet. This venue will be subject to council inspections to check compliance of the rules.
In order for clients to keep a 2 meter distance from each other Jo will have to reduce the class numbers to 5 people in the room and the rest of the class could join via Zoom or Jo may hire a bigger venue in order to teach a full class face to face until it is safe to have everyone back closer together again at The Rose & Crown.
The Rose & Crown
43 West Hill, Dartford DA1 2HJ

If you’d like more quality time with your Pilates instructor “Jo” then this could be the group for you.
Jo uses a private room above this cosy pub to teach Pilates on a Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Places are limited to ten people per a class and each class lasts for 45 mins.
In this warm and friendly environment you'll find it hard not to completely relax as you practise Pilates.
You’ll soon feel at home in this venue.
You can join the classes here as a Pay As You Go member which costs £7.90 a class or as a course
Jo uses a private room above this cosy pub to teach Pilates on a Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
Places are limited to ten people per a class and each class lasts for 45 mins.
In this warm and friendly environment you'll find it hard not to completely relax as you practise Pilates.
You’ll soon feel at home in this venue.
You can join the classes here as a Pay As You Go member which costs £7.90 a class or as a course
member. Course members receive priority booking and their price is cheaper. Courses cost £47 which means course members save £6.90.
The courses run back to back. New clients can join at any point of the course. Contact Jo to see if she has space for you to join and she'll adjust the price accordingly for new R&C clients who are unable to start on week one.
The courses run back to back. New clients can join at any point of the course. Contact Jo to see if she has space for you to join and she'll adjust the price accordingly for new R&C clients who are unable to start on week one.
16.30 - 17.20 17.30 - 18.20 18.30 - 19.20 |
13.05 - 13.55 (this is the only class that does not run in school holidays)
17.30 - 18.20 18.30 - 19.20 19.30 - 20.20 |
17.00 - 17.50
18.00 - 18.50 19.00 - 19.50 |
Each course lasts usually lasts for 9 consecutive weeks. Contact Jo for dates.
You'll find a mixture of men and women at all sessions..
It is advisable to make full course payment 2 weeks before the first class starts in order to secure your place.
however..........Want to try before you buy a course? no problem just let Jo. If there's a space still available Jo will allow you to book your place and she'll either take the pay-as-you-go fee of £7.90 a class or the full course fee stated above after you've finished your first session.
MakeUp classes
When you miss a class you gain a 'makeup class credit'. This credit can be used by yourself at a different class or donated to a friend to use. Please see the chart below for more details.
When you miss a class you gain a 'makeup class credit'. This credit can be used by yourself at a different class or donated to a friend to use. Please see the chart below for more details.
Your Holiday Entitlement
Jo gives a maximum of 2 weeks holiday every 6 months for each Rose & Crown course. This means she will hold your space on the course for free while you are away enjoying yourself.
In order to keep track of holiday entitlement you are required to sign the entitlement form and have paid for the rest of the other weeks of the affected course.
If you book a course and become unable to attend due to ill health for 5 weeks or more you maybe entitled to a 50% refund upon production of a medical certification or such like.
Many exercises can be adapted to take into account physical problems thus preventing them from worsening.
If you are ever unsure whether to attend Pilates due to a physical or health related issue please call Jo to advise her. She will let you know if she feels you shouldn’t attend, can adapt her lesson plans to take your condition into account if you do attend and advise you on contacting the appropriate health professional.
Can be made by cash (in person only)
Please put the correct money in an envelope labelled with your full name. This will help Jo keep the class to time. :0)
pay it direct into Jo’s bank account using
your name as a reference.
Sort code: 40-19-04 Account number: 12107600.
Jo’s full name is “Joanne Southgate”
If it is the best way for you to make payment Jo will accept cheques however this does mean that she will have to pay an extra charge on what she already pays to pay them into the bank
What will you need?
Wear clothing that is easy to bend and stretch in. If you do wear tighter fitting clothes it will help Jo to see the alignment of your body. It is best not to wear the same colour as the mat you are using and it is harder for Jo to see your alignment when you wear black.
A variety of juices, soft drinks, herbal teas & coffee can be purchased at the bar.
Jo supplies mats for this course. However should you like to purchase your own mat Jo will advise you what to buy as mat qualities do vary.
Hand towels or larger can come in handy for many of the exercises and could be used as a blanket if a relaxation is done at the end of the class.
Purchasing a wedge is usually advisable as these can dramatically improve back safety and the effectiveness of exercises. Jo can currently get hold of these at £7.50 a wedge. It would be wonderful if you would use it at home too to practise certain exercises that Jo might recommend to you as an individual.
Water is available at all venues though you may prefer to bring your own rather than queuing at the bar at The Rose & Crown.
No footwear needed for Pilates.
The Rose & Crown doesn’t have a car park but parking can be found very near by. Jo recommends stress free parking at the very end of King Edward Avenue DA1 2HY.
It will take you approximately 6-7mins to get from here to The Rose & Crown. Perhaps you would consider the walk as part of your workout.
Jo finds a walk helps to prepare the mind for the class.
Refund Policy
Refunds are not available to students who withdraw from their course unless their place is filled by another student. Jo recommends that you try a class before you commit to buying a course.
Students may request to transfer between courses. There is no charge for this.
In the unlikely event of a course being cancelled, Jo will refund your fees as soon as is humanly possible.
If at the end of a course you do not pay to do another course Jo will allow you to do a maximum of 2 makeup classes within in the year or donate them to a friend to use.
to Book Your Place Now click here and email Jo with your request or use the details below to contact her:-
0795 867 9909
[email protected]